Veda Academy conducted Tamil Handwriting, Tamil Poem Writing, Tamil Essay Writing and Drawing competitions on 3/8/2016. In that the following students won the prizes. Results were announced in the month of October.
1. |
S.Madheshwaran | II |
2. |
Keerthana Shree.M | II |
DRAWING | Consolation- Rs . 100 |
3. |
Kaviya.S | V |
HAND WRITING | Consolation- Rs . 100 |
4. |
D.Suvetha | X |
5. |
K.Sariha | LKG |
DRAWING | Consolation- Rs . 100 |
6. |
G.Rishikesh | VII |
DRAWING | Consolation- Rs . 100 |
7. |
S.Saranya | VI |
HAND WRITING | Consolation- Rs . 100 |
8. |
V.Indhuja | XI |
Free Dental Camp was conducted by Saveetha Dental College which was organized by Department of Public Health Dentistry to our Students of VI to VIII standard and our teachers on 26/10/2016.
100 Students of X std were taken to Educational Trip by their Language teachers on 26/10/2016 to Poondi "Archeologist Centre" and Dam.
18 students from VIII to XI std were participated in "Inter- School Knock Out Cricket Tournament" which was conducted by Alpha Engineering College, Thirumazhisai on 25/ 10/2016.
Our teachers Mrs.Tamilarasi & Mrs.Tamil Selvi were attended the workshop on the topic – "The 21st century language classroom" which was conducted by Mr.Anil Kumar & organized by Orient BlackSwan on 22/10/2016 at Book Point Auditorium, Anna Salai, Chennai.
Collins India conducted "Knowledge Whizz Quiz" and Workshop to the students of VI to VIII std and teachers on the topic "Importance of Being a Knowledge Whizz" on 21/10/2016 from 9.30 a.m to 12.30.p.m at Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Chetpet, Chennai. Our school teacher Ms.kalaiselvi along with Utkarsh Singh– VII A & Balaji Darshan.G– VIII A were participated in this workshop
"GRAND PARENT DAY" – was celebrated on 22.10.16. Various competitions were conducted for the grandparents.
KG CCA "Language Story Telling" and CCSA "Running 10 MTS" was conducted on 21.10.16. COLOUR DAY – BLUE WAS CELEBRATED ON 21.10.16.
Karate Belt Exam was conducted to the students on 21/10/2016 by the coach Mr.Prem kumar in our school premises at ground.
40 Students of XI std who belongs to Science group attended the "Inspire Internship Science Camp" from 20/10/2016 to 24/10/2016 at Sree Sastha Engineering College and escorted by Ms.Kavitha [pure science] teacher. V.Saravana Kumar Of XI – B was selected as Best Student of the Camp & He awarded by Merit Certificate, Agarwal's Mathematics Book and all the students who participated in the Camp were appreciated by the participation certificate
Evidence of Assessment for this Academic [2015 – 2016] was sent to Chinmaya Vidyalaya,Chennai on 19/10/2016 [IX Std: Social science]
Students of XI std who belongs to Science group attended the " Xplore Engineering Work shop" at Apollo Engineering College on 18/10/2016 and escorted by Mr.Vijaya Kumar & Mrs.Sunita Das and Several competitions were conducted to our students. L.R.K .Sashank of XI – B participated in "General Quiz on Engineering Trivia" and he won the III prize as Rs.500 and all the students who participated in the workshop were appreciated by the participation certificate & the Momento was given to our school
Attendance Prize for the academic year 2015 – 2016 was given on 17.10.16 to the teachers
16 students from V to VIII std were participated in " Inter- School Knock Out Cricket Tournament" which was conducted by Gee Ge Cricket Academy at Kundrathur on 17/10/16 .
Our teachers Ms.G.S.Dhivya, Ms.Saranya, Ms.Nithya and Mrs.Suga priya were attended the workshop on the topic – " Professional development for the Mathematics teachers" which was conducted by PROF . A.Rama Krishna & organized by Orient BlackSwan on 16/10/2016 at Book Point Auditorium, Anna Salai, Chennai.
FITJEE Examination was conducted to the students from V to XI std on 16/10/2016 at Chennai Public Globle School, Thirumazhisai. 34 students were participated in this examination.
Result: Shweta Dubey – X B, Kavi shree – XC secured Good Marks and they were selected for IIT coaching with Scholarship. They were called for counseling along with their Parent on 27/10/2016 which was organized by FITJEE at Annanagar, Chennai.
Group Maths Olympiad was conducted to the Students who registered their name already on 16/10/2016 at Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram,Kilpauk.
Our students from VI & VII – std were participated in variety programs in ALL INDIA RADIO which was recorded on 4/10/2016 and it was broad casted on 15/10/2016, 16/10/2016 & 18/10/2016 at 6.15 p.m in Air Chennai B & 1.05 p.m In Air Chennai A.
Kiruthika & Avinash Pandey of X std had qualified for City Final of UL – NSSQ 2016 [ NDTV – Quiz] from the preliminary online test. Final round was conducted on 4/10/2016 at Rajaji Vidyashram,Kilpauk .
KG CCA Competition – "Language Recitation" and CCSA Competition – "Inflatable ring game" was held on 30.09.16. COLOUR DAY – GREEN WAS CELEBRATED ON 30.09.16
On account of Teachers Day celebration, Prana Muthra class was conducted to all the teachers at morning and students of XI std organized the cultural programs at afternoon on 30/9/2016 at Sankara Hall, Main Block
16 students from V to VIII std were participated in "Inter- School Knock Out Cricket Tournament" which was conducted by Gee Ge Cricket Academy at Kundrathur on 29/9/16 .
Seminar was taken about MARS and MARS – 3D was Shown to the students of III to X – std on 29/9/2016 by Space Trek Globle at Sankara Hall.
Work shop was conducted to the students of XII std who belongs to science group by NEET on 28/9/2016.
Scholastic Book fair was conducted from 22/9/2016 to 24/9/2016 for developing the reading habit of our students. The stall was kept at Primary Block and Ayurveda Block.
Mobile Planetarium show was shown to our Students from Pre- KG to II std by TechKnowledge Education.
Date | class | No. of Students | Topic |
22.08.2016 | Pre KG | 115 | One World Sky |
23.08.2016 | LKG | 247 | Map to Chocolate Planet |
24.08..2016 | UKG | 258 | Map to Chocolate Planet |
31.08.2016 | I | 331 | Dinosaur Prophecy |
11.09.2016 | II | 274 | Dinosaur Prophecy |